Note If you were a Beta site or used the Visionary CD programs to install a Beta version of Word Pro, you must clean up your system before installing the released version of Word Pro. See "Appendix A" for more information.
This file contains the following updated and new information about Lotus« Word ProTM 96 Edition:
* Checking your package
* System requirements
* Installing Word Pro
* Updates and Additions
* Obtaining Additional Program Files
* WhatÆs new in Word Pro
* Word Pro Tips and Tricks
Checking your package
Before you install Word Pro, take time now to check the disks and documentation in your Word Pro for Windows package. If your package is not complete, refer to "Missing or Defective Components" in the Lotus Customer Support Guide.
If your Word Pro package is a retail package, it should contain one set of 3.5" high-density disks. If your Word Pro package is a Node Edition, it does not contain any disks. If your computer requires a CD-ROM, Lotus will provide you with a CD-ROM version at no charge. For information, refer to "Media Exchange" in the Lotus Customer Support Guide.
Your Word Pro package should contain this documentation:
* Exploring Lotus Word Pro
* Lotus Customer Support Guide
* Lotus Warranty Registration Card
* Lotus Software Agreements
System requirements
This section describes the hardware, system software, memory, and disk space requirements for using Word Pro on a stand-alone computer or on a network.
Word Pro requires the following hardware:
* An 80486 or higher computer certified for use with Microsoft« Windows95
* A VGA or super VGA graphics card compatible with Microsoft Windows95
* A Microsoft Windows-compatible mouse, recommended but not required
* One 1.44MB 3.5" disk drive, if your software was provided on disk
* One CD-ROM drive, if your software was provided on CD-ROM
System software
You must have Microsoft Windows95 or higher installed on your computer to use Word Pro.
Word Pro requires a minimum of 8MB of RAM.
Disk space
Word Pro requires a minimum of 17MB of available hard disk space. Depending upon the options you choose to install, you may need up to 46MB of available hard disk space. You will also need at least an additional 10MB for the temporary files Word Pro creates.
Word ProTM 96 for Windows« 95 is available both as an individual application, and as part of the Lotus« SmartSuite«. If you are installing Word Pro as a standalone application, use the installation instructions in this document. If you are installing Word Pro as part of the SmartSuite, refer to Exploring SmartSuite for installation instructions. (The SmartSuite Install program lets you install all SmartSuite applications at once, or individual products as you need them.)
Starting the Installation
The Install program transfers the Word Pro application files to your hard disk or a network file server from disks or a CD-ROM. All installation information is available online. You can read or print the online information before you actually install Word Pro. Start the installation, click the Help button, and print the desired Help topic, then exit the Help window. You can proceed with the installation or exit the Install program by clicking the Exit Install button.
To get Help while running Install
While you're installing Word Pro, Help is available for the options in each Install dialog box. You can
1. Click the Help button to gain access to Help topics
2. Print a Help topic by clicking the Print button in the Help window
3. Switch between Help and the Install program by clicking the respective button on the task bar or by pressing ALT+TAB (to display the task bar, press CTRL+ESC)
4. Close the Help window by clicking its Close button
To run the Install program
The Install program can be run only from Windows 95. You need approximately 45MB of hard disk space to install Word Pro. The following procedure describes how to install Word Pro from disks or CD-ROM. If you are installing Word Pro from a network, see your network administrator for installation instructions.
1. Start Windows 95.
2. Insert Disk 1, or the CD-ROM, in the appropriate drive, and close the drive door.
3. Choose Run from the Start menu.
4. Type x:install, where x is the appropriate drive.
5. Click OK.
6. Follow the instructions in the Install windows.
To install over a previous release
If you have a release of Word Pro for Windows 3.1, Install asks whether you want to remove the previous release. If you choose to remove it, Install asks if you want it to create a backup copy of your SmartMasterTM sets, and if you want the files in the work directory of the previous release moved to the work directory for the new release.
To use automated Install
If you are a network administrator and want to standardize the installation for all users in your organization, you can use automated install. To do this, you define the directory location and install options using a response file. For information on using and modifying a response file, see README.TXT, located in the root directory of Disk 1 and the CD-ROM.
To install on a network
Complete information about installing Word Pro on a network is available in the Network Administrator's Guide file, READNET.TXT, and the Install Help screens. READNET.TXT is located in the root directory of Disk1 and the CD-ROM.
When you are ready to begin the network installation, make sure you are logged in as the network supervisor with the correct network access rights. Then click the "Install on a file server" check box located at the bottom of the Install Welcome screen.
You have the option of uninstalling Word Pro from Windows 95.
1. Choose Settings - Control Panel from the Start menu.
2. Select Add/Remove Programs.
3. Choose Word Pro.
4. Click the Add/Remove button.
Complete information about uninstalling Word Pro from a network is available in both the Network Administrator's Guide file, READNET.TXT, and the Uninstall Help screens. READNET.TXT is located in the root directory of Disk 1 and the CD-ROM.
Network administrators can run an automated Uninstall by using the Uninstall command line. The name and version of the product must be exactly as it appears in the Registry location.
Note Only network administrators should view or change the Uninstall command line. Individual users should run Uninstall from the Start menu.
Installing on a network
Complete information about installing Word Pro on a network is available in both the READNET.TXT file located on Install Disk 1 and in the Installation Help.
Log in as the network supervisor, choose Install Word Pro as server, and specify the network drive and folder where you want to install Word Pro. You should also specify the number of Word Pro licenses.
When the network server installation is complete, you should use the INSTALL.EXE file (located in the Word Pro directory) to automate the process of setting up user nodes. Simply run the INSTALL.EXE program from each workstation.
Installing additional language versions of applications
SmartSuite lets you access single copies of Lotus applications in multiple languages. This capability, part of the Lotus strategy for multilingual computing, is available in Approach, Freelance Graphics, and Word Pro.
The first language you install becomes your default language. To add a second or third language version of a Lotus application, you must rerun the install program. The install program informs you that you already have an existing copy of the product in a different language and preserves the directory structure of the default language. The install program populates the Start menu with icons for the additional languages. These icons can be identified by the two character ISO language tag. For example, the icon for the French version of Freelance Graphics is labeled Freelance Graphics 96 - FR.
Note The Lotus strategy for multilingual computing has not been implemented for the SmartSuite 96 versions of 1-2-3 and Organizer.
The following are notes and updates that do not appear in the documentation or online help:
Telephone numbers
For all PC desktop products except Ami Pro, Word Pro, and SmarText, call (800) 457-0909, Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.(Eastern Standard Time).
For Ami Pro, Word Pro, and SmarText, call (770) 698-7663, Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.(Eastern Standard Time).
Word Pro Preferences
After you initially install Word Pro, the Personal panel of the Word Pro Preferences dialog box displays so you can provide information such as your user name, address, phone, and so on.
If you are using Lotus Notes« as your e-mail application, you can use TeamMail to send selected text in your document out for review. Because DDE only works with Notes, this option is not available with other e-mail applications.
To send selected text through TeamMail
1. Select the text you want to send in the Word Pro document.
2. Choose File - TeamMail.
3. Select "Message with current selectionÆs text as message body."
4. Click OK.
5. Type your password and click OK.
6. Make the desired selections in the TeamMail dialog box.
7. Click Send.
When a Lotus Mail application (cc:Mail or Notes) is properly installed, it writes all the needed registration information into (Win95) the Registry. TeamMail references these lines to determine which mail application is installed and where it is located. If you did not install a full version of Notes or cc:Mail, it is likely that TeamMail won't work. If you are experiencing any problems running TeamMail, you can check the WIN.INI file for the following lines:
To use 32-bit TeamMail with Notes v3
Because Notes v3 is a 16-bit application, it requires the following lines in the Win95 WIN.INI file:
Program=<path to notes files>\notes.exe NoDialogs
To use 32-bit TeamMail with cc:Mail 2.x
Because cc:Mail 2.x is a 16-bit application, it requires the following lines in the Win95 WIN.INI file:
Program=<path to ccmail files>\wmail.exe SENDMAIL
Note: The paths in the AUTOEXEC.BAT are not required in Win95 and are not necessary for Notes (3 or 4) or for cc:Mail 2.21 to run. However, older versions of cc:Mail (2.1 and earlier) may require this path. If cc:Mail is not working, try checking to see that the correct path is listed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT.
To use 32-bit TeamMail with Notes v4
TeamMail checks the registry for information about the installed mail package. However, Notes v4 is not currently writing to the Registry. Until Notes v4 starts writing these lines, TeamMail can use the same lines used in the WIN.INI file for Notes v3 (see above).
LotusScript and TeamSecurity
If you are developing applications with LotusScript, or if you will be recording and playing back scripts, all options in the TeamSecurity dialog box cannot be recorded or played back. The TeamSecurity feature limits access and editing rights; therefore, as a security measure, this dialog box cannot be used within scripts.
User dictionary languages
You can select specific languages for your user dictionaries. Unlike the main dictionaries which come with Word Pro, the same user dictionary is used within each language type. An example of a language type is English. Variations of this type include American, British English, and Australian, along with British IZE. While Word Pro has separate main dictionaries for each language, a user dictionary specified for one of these languages is used for all of these languages.
In addition, Word Pro automatically converts the Ami Pro dictionary (.dic) to the Word Pro dictionary (.udc) for you during product installation.
Ami Pro macros
You can use many of the Ami Pro macros in Word Pro. However, some Ami Pro macro functions are not supported in Word Pro. Macros using these functions do not run successfully.
The first time you run an Ami Pro macro in Word Pro, it converts to the Word Pro format. If the macro uses an unsupported function, Word Pro displays a message. If a macro runs without displaying a message, you should test the macro to make sure it provides the results you expect.
Specific information about unsupported macro functions and other suggestions for converting macros are available from Lotus Customer Support.
Using OLE 2 server applications with embedded objects
When you launch an OLE 2 embedded object (either by double-clicking on the object, or by choosing Edit - Object - Edit), Word Pro launches the application æin place,Æ and allows you to modify the object. When you have completed modifications, the server application remains in memory, even though it no longer displays.
If you are working on a computer with a limited amount of memory, you can close the document after editing the object (which also closes the server application), or you can launch a separate instance of the object instead of editing it æin place.Æ
To launch an application as a separate instance
1. Select the object.
2. Choose Edit - Object.
3. Choose Open.
When you finish making changes, close the application to copy the changes back to your document, and release the application from memory.
Using Ami Pro and Word Pro at the same time
While you make the transition from Ami Pro to Word Pro, you may need to use both products at the same time. You can run them without any conflicts, unless you are using embedded objects in other applications.
If you have embedded Ami Pro objects in other applications (for example, in Lotus Notes), Word Pro edits and saves these objects when you launch them. When changes are saved back to the container application, the changes are saved in the Ami Pro format and can be edited by users who have Ami Pro installed.
You can convert embedded Ami Pro objects to Word Pro objects by modifying the Windows Registration database. Word Pro can then update embedded Ami Pro objects and convert them to the Word Pro format when they are launched by the parent application. For information about converting objects, contact Lotus Customer Support.
Caution: Once you convert Ami Pro embedded objects to the Word Pro format, the objects are no longer editable in Ami Pro. If you are still using Ami Pro in your organization, or if you expect to send documents containing embedded Ami Pro objects to Ami Pro users, Lotus advises you not to modify the registration database.
If you received your copy of Word Pro on floppy disks, online help for the LotusScript programming language, the Table of Authorities program module, and some file export filters were not provided in your package. If you received your copy of Word Pro on CD-ROM, basic online help for the LotusScript programming language was provided on the CD-ROM, but was not installed automatically. Word Pro specific LotusScript Help, the Table of Authorities program module, and some file export filters were not provided.
The Table of Authorities module is only necessary if you plan to create Tables of Authorities, which are primarily used in the legal profession. You do not need this module for normal program operation.
You can obtain these files through the Internet, through CompuServe, or from Lotus Customer Support.
Copying LotusScript help files from a CD-ROM
LotusScript Help is only necessary if you plan to use the Script programming language to develop scripts. You do not need it to record and play simple scripts that you make.
If you received your copy of Word Pro on a CD-ROM, the help files can be copied from the CD-ROM. The LotusScript help files are located in the \EXTRA\HELPFILE directory of the CD-ROM. You can copy them from that directory to the appropriate folder on the drive where you installed Word Pro.
For more information, see the online Help:
1. Choose Help - Help Topics in Word Pro.
2. Click the Index tab.
3. Type LotusScript, help in the box.
4. Select the index entry and click Display.
Export filters not provided
The following filters are not provided for exporting documents. Filters to import documents of these file types are provided with your package. If you need to save documents in one of the following formats, you must order the export filters:
* Framemaker (MIF)
* Interleaf Publisher 1.1,5.2
* Legacy 1.x,2.0
* Manuscript 2.0,2.1
* MS Word 3,4,5,6
* Multimate 3.3,4
* Multimate Adv I,II
* OfficeWriter 4,5,6.x
* PeachText 5000
* Professional Write 1.0,2.x
* Q&A Write 1.x,3.0,4.0
* Samna Word IV, Plus,1,2
* Wang (IWP)
* Windows Write 3.x
* WordStar 2000 3.0,3.5
* WordStar 3,4,5,6,7
* WordStar for Windows 1.x
* WordPerfect 4.2
* XyWrite DOS/Windows
The Table of Authorities module is only necessary if you plan to create Tables of Authorities, which are primarily used in the legal profession. You do not need this module for normal program operation.
Obtaining program files from Lotus Customer Support
You can order the disks containing LotusScript help and export filters from Lotus Customer Support.
To find the customer support number
You can access the number for customer support in your country by following the instructions below.
1. Choose Help - Help Topics in Word Pro.
2. Click the Index tab.
3. Type customer or telephone in the box.
4. Select the index entry and click Display.
5. Select the topic you want and click Display.
Obtaining program files from CompuServe
If you subscribe to CompuServe, you can download LotusScript Help and the export file filters. In CompuServe, visit the Lotus Word Processing forum (type "GO LOTUSWP")
Obtaining program files through the Internet
If you have an Internet connection, you can download the filters, Help, or Table of Authorities module from the Lotus FTP server. To access the Lotus server, your computer should have a WinSock-based connection to the Internet. WinSock is a layer between Internet client applications and the userÆs LAN or modem-based SLIP or PPP dial-in connection. Most commercial Internet software for Windows 3.1, NT, or Windows 95 is based on the WinSock API.
You may use any stand-alone FTP client to retrieve files. The FTP site is located at:
The Lotus Word Pro files are in several directories beginning at:
Follow the directions provided with your FTP client for downloading files.
Many Word Pro features will look familiar to current Ami Pro 3.1 users, but there are also many changes to the user interface and functionality available in Word Pro. These changes are discussed on the following pages.
The InfoBox
The InfoBox is a modeless dialog box that contains all the options you need to change the properties of text, pages, frames, tables, table cells, headers, footers, columns, and Word Pro drawings. You can click InfoBox tabs to display different panels. For example, if you want to change a style on a page, click the Style tab in the Page layout InfoBox to view your options. When you make a selection in the InfoBox, the selection is implemented on your screen instantly. You can also leave the InfoBox open on your screen while you work in a document.
New context sensitive user interface
The Word Pro user interface is "context sensitive." Menus and SmartIcons change based on the current selection. Options are only available if they can be used with the current selection. WordPro also provides context sensitivity in nested contexts, such as text in a frame. The user interface displays options for both text and frames.
Context sensitive components
* Menus--Word Pro has dynamic, or selection-sensitive menus. As you work with your documents, the menu changes to reflect your current selection. For example, when you select a frame, you see the Frame menu; if you select a drawing, you see the Draw menu. The menus that change are always in the same location on your menu bar.
The File, Edit, View, Create, Window, and Help menus are always available. The Chart, Columns, Draw, Equation, Frame, Image, Table, and Text menus are only available when you select the corresponding objects in Word Pro.
* Shortcut Menus--Word Pro provides shortcut menus that are a subset of the main context menu and list some common clipboard commands. You can display a shortcut menu by clicking the right mouse button.
* SmartIcons Sets--There are now two types of SmartIcons sets: the universal set and context sensitive sets. The universal SmartIcons set contains static icons that are always available, such as Open, Save, Cut, Copy, Paste. The context sensitive sets consist of icons that are available for particular type of selection, such as text, or frame.
* InfoBox--The InfoBox is a modeless dialog box that contains all the options you need to change the properties of text, pages, frames, tables, table cells, headers, footers, columns, and Word Pro drawings.
SmartMaster templates (style sheets)
A SmartMaster is a template you use to create a document. All documents you create use a SmartMaster, including a "plain" document. Word Pro provides many SmartMaster templates. Each SmartMaster produces a different type of document (memos, letters, newsletters). You can use a SmartMaster as it is or you can customize it to suit your needs. A SmartMaster always contains styles. You can add or delete contents and/or scripts to or from a SmartMaster.
A SmartMaster contains page layout, paragraph, character, frame, table cell, and table styles. It can also contain text, graphics, OLE objects, tables, frames, Click Here Blocks (placeholders with instructions that tell you what to type or insert), scripts, and so on.
The SmartMaster template you select when creating a document contains predefined styles. However, you may discover you need to modify these default styles or create your own styles. You can create a style for any Word Pro object (character, paragraph, page, frame, table, and table cell). When you create a style in one division, you can choose to make it available in other divisions of your document or not.
In Word Pro, you format your text to look the way you want your new style to look. Then you select the text and create a new style by example. Frames, tables, and cells also have named styles. As with text, you can modify the frame and then create a named (frame) style. You can apply this frame style to other frames.
Internet access
You can open a file on the Internet from Word Pro, edit it, and then save changes back to the Internet. You can access files on the World Wide Web as well as through FTP.
When you "open" a file on the Internet, Word Pro copies the file to your local system, and all editing changes are made on the local system. If you have write access on the host, Word Pro copies the changes back when you save them.
Online documentation, Ask the Expert, and Help
Word Pro has redesigned online documentation. There are now thousands of task-oriented topics. The topics display in a small Help window that you can leave up while following the steps.
To help you find information in Word Pro, there is a new feature called "Ask the Expert." Using your own words, you can ask "How do I?" type questions, and the Expert will either find the appropriate topic or suggest similar topics.
* Nested Document Architecture--You can create any object inside of any other object, for example, a table inside a table cell. You can also drag and drop between cells, text, and frames.
* Unlimited Undo/Redo Levels--You can set the Undo level to any number under 32,000. However, each level consumes some memory. Choose File - User Setup - Word Pro Preferences to set the number of undo levels. Choose Edit - Undo/Redo Special for a list of actions you can undo/redo.
* Interactive Spell Check--Word Pro is constantly checking the spelling of your document in the background. You can view misspelled words (shown with highlighting) while editing a document. With the Spell Check Bar displayed, you can correct spelling in ways similar to previous versions. Choose Edit - Spell Check to display the Spell Check bar. Choose View - Show/Hide - Misspelled Words to highlight misspelled words as you type.
* Status Bar--There are more formatting controls available on the Status Bar, including manually changing spelling errors, text color, and basic text properties.
* SmartEditing--Word Pro selects whole words when selecting more than one word, and deletes missing or extra spaces when you paste or drag and drop text.
* SmartCorrect--SmartCorrect corrects commonly misspelled words, and fixes common typing errors, such as two capital letters at the beginning of a word.
* Divisions--You can divide a document into divisions. Each division is a document with its own styles and SmartMaster. Divisions are indicated by divider tabs, as in Lotus 1-2-3. Divisions can contain other divisions, allowing you to organize your large documents, and, like an outliner, collapse divisions when you are not interested in seeing their divider tabs. Choose Create - Division.
* Sections--You can divide a division into sections. Each section can restart paragraph numbering, page layout, headers, and footers. Choose Create - Sections.
* Versions--A single file can contain several versions of a document. You can view old versions of the document. Versions do not increase the file size significantly each time one is created. Choose File - Versions to create and/or review old versions.
* Access and Editing Rights--The Word Pro TeamSecurity feature lets you share a single Word Pro file with co-workers, writers, and editors who can enter and save their edits in one file. Using the TeamSecurity features, you can assign document access, editing rights, password protection, colors that show editor markups, insertions/deletions, and document protection. Private areas of a document can also be restricted and protected from edits.
The TeamSecurity dialog box lets you assign two types of access rights: access to the document itself and access to the TeamSecurity dialog box. Choose File - TeamSecurity.
* Multiple Document Compare--You can compare and consolidate the input from multiple reviewers into one file. The differences between the files are marked as insertions or deletions in the markup style of the person who made the edits. Choose File - TeamConsolidate.
* Modeless Bars--A modeless bar is a tool that allows you to go back and forth between a function and the document without opening and closing a dialog box. The modeless bar contains the same components as a dialog box: list boxes, text boxes, command buttons, and so on. You can leave a modeless bar up while you are working. You can also display more than one modeless bar at one time. In addition, the same modeless bar can be displayed in multiple windows during the current session of Word Pro. Word Pro provides bars for the following functions: Find & Replace, Grammar Check, Review Marked Edits, Spell Check, The Expert, Envelope, Merge, Format Check, and Mark (Index, TOC) Entry.
* Commenting Tools--When you are working in a document, you can insert a comment note anywhere inside its text without actually changing document text. Comment notes behave like the main body of text and can contain formatted text, frames, tables, even parallel columns. You can also have more than one comment note open at a time. Choose View - Show/Hide - Review & Comment Tools.
* Revision Marking--Word Pro can automatically mark a document when it is edited or consolidated. These marked edits can be reviewed, accepted, or rejected in a document. A consolidated document is a single document that combines all edits from several documents.You can use the Review Marked Edits bar to find and review a marked edit. Choose Edit - Markup Edits to turn on revision marking. Choose Edit - Review Marked Edits to display the review bar.
Format Check--Format Check scrolls through your document and, using common typing conventions, quickly finds and corrects basic errors, common typing mistakes, and inconsistency in presentation. For example, you can have Format Check remove double spaces between words, replace dashes and asterisks with true bullets, set proper indention for bulleted lists, and replace characters such as (r) with the correct symbol «. Choose Edit - Format Check.
The following tips are provided by the Lotus Customer Support department.
How can you determine the version of a document?
There are several ways to determine the version of the currently displayed document. You can click the Status button on the status bar (the button that typically displays the date and time). Or, choose File - Versions. The version that is highlighted is the version you are currently using.
How can you display version information in a document?
1. Place the insertion point where you want the information to display.
2. Choose Text - Insert Other - Power/Doc. Field.
3. Select "Document Field."
4. From the list, select the versioning field you want to add.
5. Click Insert.
6. Repeat steps 1 - 5 for each field you want to display in the document.
How can you determine the name and location of linked graphic files?
1. Choose View - Set View Preferences.
2. Click the Show tab.
3. Deselect the "Show Graphics" checkbox.
4. Click OK.
Word Pro displays an æXÆ in the graphic frame and shows the path and filename of the linked graphic image.
A common page numbering format includes the total number of pages after the page number, for example, "Page X of XX", where æXÆ is the number of that page and æXXÆ is the total number of pages in the document. How can you implement this type of page numbering in Word Pro?
You can display page numbers such as "Page X of 15" in a 15 page document by following these steps:
1. Place the insertion point in the header or footer.
2. Choose Text - Insert Page Number.
3. Type Page and a space in the "Text before" box.
4. Type a space followed by of in the "Text after" box.
5. Choose the desired number style and numbering options and click OK. Word Pro displays "Page X of" in your document.
6. Place the insertion point after the word "of" and press the spacebar once.
7. Choose Text - Insert Other - Power/Doc. Field.
8. Select "Power Field."
9. Select "NumPages" in the "Field name" box.
10. Click Insert. Word Pro adds the total number of pages in the document.
11. To update the total number of pages after pages have been added or removed, place the insertion point in the "NumPages" field, click the right mouse button, and choose Update Field.
How can you temporarily type beyond the left and right page margins of a document (also known as a "margin release")?
Choose View - Show/Hide - Ruler. On the ruler, drag the left margin indicator (bar at the left margin) or one of the indention indicators (triangles at the left margin) anywhere between the current margin and the edge of the page. You can now type past the margins.
If you need to release the left margin repeatedly, or you want to create a style that uses a margin release, you can set a negative indent for a paragraph.
1. Place the insertion point in the paragraph you want to modify.
2. Choose Text - Text Properties.
3. Click the Alignment tab.
4. Specify a negative value in the "Indent from margin" box.
5. If you only want to use a negative indent for certain lines of the paragraph, click Options, make the changes in the appropriate boxes, and click OK.
What are some helpful hints to reduce the size of documents?
Below are five helpful hints to decrease the size of documents in Word Pro.
* Make sure Word Pro is saving files in a format optimized for smaller files. When you use this format, displaying and saving files takes slightly longer, but the amount of disk space required is greatly reduced. Choose File - User Setup - Word Pro Preferences, select "Small file format" in the "Disable" box, and click OK.
* Don't embed fonts within the file. Most of the time, embedding fonts in the file is not needed. Choose File - Document Properties - Document, click the Options tab, deselect "Embed fonts in document," and click OK.
Remove unneeded paragraph styles from the document. If youÆre only using one paragraph style in a document, you may save a few kilobytes of space by removing the other paragraph styles. Place the insertion point in the document text, choose Text - Named Styles - Manage, select the paragraph style or styles you donÆt need, click Delete, click Yes, and click Close.
* Use sections rather than divisions, if possible. Each division is a mini-document, with its own styles, page layout, and other formatting information, so it requires additional disk space. Particularly if you want the information in the division to have the same format as the rest of the document, consider using a section, which shares formatting information with the rest of the document.
* Disable the "Save Graphics for Fast Display" option. Choose File - User Setup - Word Pro Preferences, click the General tab, deselect "Save graphics for fast display," and click OK. Graphics within the document may take a little longer to display, but the amount of space saved could be great, depending on the original size of the graphic.
After making changes in the InfoBoxes, how can you go back to the document without using the mouse?
Press Alt+Enter on the keyboard to return to the document at the location of the insertion point.
In Ami Pro, power fields were accessed by choosing Edit - Power Fields. WhatÆs the equivalent in Word Pro?
Choose Text - Insert Other - Power/Doc. Field.
In Ami Pro, you could use floating headers and footers to create multiple headers and footers. Where is this functionality in Word Pro?
Word Pro doesnÆt use the term "floating." Instead, you can use sections in Word Pro to create multiple headers and footers. You can continue or discontinue the headers and footers from the previous page in the Create Section dialog box. If you deselect the options, you can create multiple headers and footers in your document. You can also use different headers and footers with each new division you create (Create - Division), or with each new page layout you insert (Text - Insert Page Layout).
In Ami Pro, you could link documents back to the original style sheet. Can you do this in Word Pro?
Word Pro does not have an option to link documents back to the original SmartMaster because all the information from a SmartMaster is copied directly into the document. To save newly created paragraph styles to your SmartMaster, you must copy the paragraph styles to the SmartMaster and save the SmartMaster.
1. Open the SmartMaster you want to change.
2. Choose Text - Named Styles - Manage.
3. Click Copy From.
4. Select "Another file."
5. Click Browse and select the file containing the desired paragraph styles.
6. Click Open.
7. Select the paragraph styles to bring over and click Copy. Word Pro displays a message. Choose the appropriate button.
8. Click Close to return to the SmartMaster.
9. When you are ready to save the SmartMaster, choose File - Save.
You can use the same procedure to copy the paragraph styles from the newly modified SmartMaster to other documents you want to change.
If you were a Beta site or used the Visionary CD programs to install a Beta version of Word Pro, you must clean up your system before installing the released version of Word Pro.
There is a potential for installation problems as a result of the high availability of pre-release code and the broad nature of changes that are associated with the early releases of Word Pro. If you are installing:
YNewer release over an older release
Y32 bit version over a 16 bit version
YA combination of the above
You may experience some unpredictable and unreproduceable results. There may be a problem with your configuration. Refer to the instructions below to help you correct this situation.
Performing a "clean" installation
There are two steps to removing Word Pro from your system:
YRemoving files
YEditing the Win95 Registry.
Removing Files
You should identify the files that are associated with the executable portions of Word Pro and remove them. This step can be complicated because of the shared components of other Lotus Products. (You may consider removing all of the Lotus products from your system. You can then update your software to the latest available Suite components and ensure a clean install for all of your Lotus software.)
Note: The instructions for removing files from the Lotus Common Components directory assume that you intend to remove all the Lotus products in the directory or that Word Pro is the only product you are concerned with. If you want to keep your documents or work files, you should back them up prior to deleting anything from your system.
If you using Windows 95 versions of pre-release Lotus software, you can use the standard uninstall procedure first. For instructions, refer to "Uninstalling Word Pro" earlier in this document. If Uninstall does not work, refer to the "Removing 32 Bit Word Pro" section.
You need to edit the Registry. The registration of a program in Windows 95 depends on Windows and product .INI files and the Windows Registry.
To edit the registry in Win95, you must run the regedit.exe program. Regedit maintains the registry database and contains information about the applications you have installed.
To run Regedit
1. Choose Run from the Start menu.
2. Type Regedit.
3. Click OK.
Note: It is important not to delete anything unfamiliar to you.
Removing Word Pro 16 Bit Under Windows 95
If you are installing the 16-bit version of Word Pro on Win95, follow these instructions.
To remove Word Pro files from the Win95 Registry
1. Choose Run from the Start menu.
2. Type Regedit.
3. Click OK.
4. Double-click the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder.
5. Find the following folders (near the end of the list) and delete them:, WordPro.Document, ordPro.Main, LotusWordPro.Document
6. Go back to the top and collapse the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder.
7. Double click the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder.
8. Expand the Software folder.
9. Expand the Lotus folder.
10. Select the WordPro folder and press delete.
11. Click Yes to confirmation message.
12. Go back to the top and collapse the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder.
13. Double click the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder.
14. Expand the Software folder.
15. Expand the Lotus folder.
16. Select the Lotus Word Pro folder and press delete.
17. Click Yes to confirmation message.
18. (If it exists) Select the WordPro folder and press delete.
19. Click Yes to confirmation message.
20. To confirm you deleted all the Word Pro files, go back to the top and collapse the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder.
21. Choose Edit - Find.
22. Type Lotus Word Pro in the text box.
23. Click Find Next and delete any files or folders found.
24. Choose Edit - Find.
25. Type Word Pro in the text box.
26. Click Find Next and delete any files or folders found.
To remove Word Pro entries from the Lotus.ini file
1. Choose Find from the Start menu.
2. Select Files or Folders.
3. Type Lotus.ini in the text box.
4. Click Find Now.
5. Double-click the filename.
6. Delete any references to Word Pro or Lotus Word Pro in the [Lotus Applications] section.
7. Choose File - Save.
8. Choose File - Close.
To remove Word Pro entries from the Win.ini file
1. Choose Find from the Start menu.
2. Select Files or Folders.
3. Type Win.ini in the "Named" text box.
4. Click Find Now.
5. Double-click the filename.
6. Choose Search - find.
7. Type embedding.
8. Click Find Next.
9. Click Cancel.
10. Delete any references to Word Pro or Lotus Word Pro in the [embedding] section.
11. Choose File - Save.
12. Choose File - Exit.
To remove all LWP files
1. Choose Find from the Start menu.
2. Select Files or Folders.
3. Type lwp*.* in the text box.
4. Click Find Now.
5. Delete all occurrences of these files.
6. Click Yes to confirmation message.
7. Choose File - Close.
8. Delete the Word Pro application from the appropriate location on your machine.
9. Click Yes to any confirmation messages.
You are now ready to reinstall Word Pro.
Removing 32bit Word Pro
If you are removing the 32-bit version of Word Pro, follow these instructions.
To remove Word Pro files from the Win95 Registry
1. Choose Run from the Start menu.
2. Type Regedit.
3. Click OK.
4. Double-click the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder.
5. Find the QuickView folder and delete any WordPro folders:.lwp.mwp, WordPro.main, WordPro.Application, WordPro.Document, WordPro.SmartMaster
6. Double-click on the CLSID folder to expand the listing.
7. Find any entry that begins with "29" such as: {2913FFFE-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}and delete it.
8. Double-click the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder.
9. Expand the Software folder.
10. Expand the Lotus folder.
11. Select and delete the Word Pro folder.
12. Click Yes to confirmation message.
13. (If it exists) Select the WordPro folder and press delete.
14. Click Yes to confirmation message.Note: Since the the registry information may be different in earlier builds of the Word Pro for Win95, you can use Search to locate any other references to Word Pro.
To remove Word Pro files from the default installation directories
The final step is deleteing the actual files. The files are installed by default into the following directories.
1. Delete the files in the following directories. (You should back up any files that you may want to keep.)
2. Delete the directories listed above.Note: The c:\lotus\component directory (in pre-release form) was the source of many build-to-build problems. To ensure that Word Pro functions properly, please delete this directory. If there are other Lotus products installed on your machine, deleting this directory will render them unusable. You will have to reinstall all of your Lotus applications.